Common Guidelines for Students at three AGST Member Graduate Schools: GSE, GSL and GSA (Division of Natural Resource Economics)
For the common guidelines for the AGST Top Global Course, please visit the following page of the AGST website:
Guidelines for Students at Division of Natural Resource Economics (GSA)
●For Master’s Students
Master’s students at the GSA (Division of Natural Resource Economics) wishing to complete the AGST Top Global Course (hereinafter, the Course) must meet all of the following three requirements:
(1) Earn 8 credits or more from courses offered in English: (i) at the GSA (only courses offered at the Division of Natural Resource Economics and English-taught courses for students of all Divisions 全専攻対象英語専門講義科目), (ii) at the GSE, and (iii) at the Joint Degree Master of Arts Program in Transcultural Studies in the GSL.
• A minimum of 4 credits of the required 8 credits must be earned from courses offered at the GSA.
• The number of credits you have earned prior to enrollment in the Course can be counted toward the required 8 credits.
(2) Meet the following English language proficiency by the time of completion of the Course: TOEFL iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0.
(3) Pass the master’s thesis examination
Students who have satisfied all the requirements above will be granted a “Certificate of Completion” signed by President of Kyoto University, in addition to a Master’s degree diploma.
Please click here to see a sample of the “Certificate of Completion (Master’s).”
●For Doctoral Students
Doctoral students at the GSA (Division of Natural Resource Economics) wishing to complete the AGST Top Global Course (hereinafter, the Course) must meet all of the following six requirements:
(1) Earn 2 credits or more from courses offered in English at the GSA (only courses offered at the Division of Natural Resource Economics and English-taught courses for students of all Divisions 全専攻対象英語専門講義科目).
• The number of credits you have earned prior to enrollment in the Course can be counted toward the required 2 credits.
(2) Conduct research and/or gain additional training related to your doctoral dissertation for 3 months or more at an overseas university or research institution.
(3) Receive research guidance on your doctoral dissertation from an international supervisor.
(4) Present a minimum of 2 papers at international conferences or workshops.
(5) Meet the following English language proficiency by the time of completion of the Course: TOEFL iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0.
(6) Pass the doctoral dissertation examination
Students who have satisfied all the requirements above will be granted a “Certificate of Completion” signed by President of Kyoto University, in addition to a Doctoral degree diploma.
Please click here to see a sample of the “Certificate of Completion (Doctoral).”
Administration Office for Division of Natural Resource Economics
Room: E120, Faculty/Graduate School of Agriculture Main Bldg.