On the 21st of December 2018, the Division of Natural Resource Economics will be holding a special seminar entitled “The Pursuit of Sustainable Business Excellence by Way of Kaizen in a Food Manufacturing Company in Japan” presented by Dr. Wayne Macpherson from Massey Business School in Massey University, New Zealand as part of the Japan Gateway: Kyoto University Top Global Program (JGP) and also as part of the Division of Natural Resource Economics English Lecture Series.
All interested students and faculty are welcome to attend!!
The Pursuit of Sustainable Business Excellence by Way of Kaizen in a Food Manufacturing Company in Japan
Dr. Wayne Macpherson
Dr. Wayne Macpherson is a lecturer at Massey Business School in Massey University, New Zealand. He has more than 25 years’ experience of studying, teaching, and working in Japan. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration degree from Massey University. His doctoral research looked at the Japanese quality management philosophy of kaizen. Currently, his main research interest lies in sustainable business excellence through the diffusion of kaizen philosophy and methodology into New Zealand industry and the economy.
The philosophy and practice of kaizen, as exemplified by the Toyota Production System and underpinning Toyota Way, is associated with Japan’s industrial success. Numerous Japanese and non-Japanese companies have adopted the tools and techniques employed at Toyota in their own pursuit of economic success. However, cases of failure show that one size does not fit all – even in Japan. The Japanese food manufacturer, Japan Starch, is one such case. When senior management first decided to operationalize kaizen within the organization they adopted a Toyota-inspired kaizen programme, only to abandon it after recognized failure. Management then moved to develop an in-house kaizen program – one that has proven to be very successful. This lecture will look at the events that inspired this program then unpack it to provide the means for participants to explicitly understand what kaizen is and how it is sustained within a Japanese food manufacturing company. Participants will apply their understanding to a real-world context and plan a kaizen activity program to generate real economic and non-economic prosperity.
[Time & Date]
13:00- 14:30 on December 21 (Fri.), 2018
Room E-217, Faculty of Agriculture Main Bldg.
Click here for a map of the venue.
Makoto KURODA, Assistant Teaching Staff, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture
E-mail: kuroda.makoto.6a@kyoto-u.ac.jp
Extension: 6181