International Agricultural Economics

International Rural Development

Home Page


Agricultural Development, Poverty, Rural Institutions, Income Inequality, Consumption Smoothing, Social Capital, Culture, Risk Sharing, Area Studies, Field Survey, Political Economy, Field Experiment, Development Economics


Comparative Institutional Analysis to Organizational Design of Rural China
New Institutional Economic Analysis of Informal Rural Practices
Application of Three-factor two-good Model for Economic History in Thailand
Empirical Studies on Household Behavior in Rural Africa
Public Goods Management in Rural Africa



More than 700 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. They face numerous problems, including low agricultural productivity, slow adoption of agricultural technologies, an inefficient food system, and excess labor supply in the agricultural sector, which perpetuate a vicious cycle of poverty. In the background, formal and informal rural institutions that can support these people are evolving with globalization and embracing technological progress.
The International Rural Development laboratory studies the causes and consequences of these problems and offers policy guidance for managing them, particularly in Asia and Africa. The laboratory accomplishes this using microeconomic theory embedded in disciplines such as Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, Econometrics, and Rural Sociology. We also offer education to undergraduate and graduate students in order to cultivate agricultural development human resources for the future.
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